Waste collection reverse vending machine- TOMRA T9

T-9 is TOMRA’s new flagship front-end model for stores handling medium to high volumes of non-refillable and refillable containers and crates. T-9 is equipped with TOMRA Flow Technology™, the world’s first 360-degree RVM container recognition, enabling machine capabilities unique to the industry.

T-9 is the new reverse vending machine from TOMRA, the first of a new generation that solves traditional tasks in completely new ways. Being faster, cleaner and prepared for handling all types of beverage packaging, T-9 delivers acknowledged benefits to new as well as existing customers.

T-9 is equipped with TOMRA Flow Technology™, the world’s first 360-degree container recognition in a reverse vending machine. The T-9 Combi also features the industry-leading TOMRA True Vision™ crate recognition technology.

Key Features


  • Instant recognition of barcodes and security marks without rotation stops
  • Allowing a rapid continuous feeding of single containers
  • Increased convenience and peak-hour capacity


  • Necesita mai putin timp dedicat curateniei in comparatie cu alte RVM-uri
  • Curatirea aparatului este mai facila si dureaza mai putin
  • Mai putin timp alocat curatirii aparatului, un aparat mai atragator


  • Aparat destinat atat pentru colectarea recipientilor refolosibili cat si celor nerefolosibili
  • Aparat destinat atat lazilor de recipienti refolosibili cat si lazilor cu recipienti nerefolosibili
  • Ambele modele prezinta display touch si interfata TOMRAPlus
  • Ambele modele pot fi personalizate cu usurinta



Our latest container recognition technology, TOMRA Flow Technology™, solves traditional challenges in completely new ways. It enables unique machine capabilities and at the same time offers the state-of-the-art security and accuracy.



TOMRA True Vision™ is the most advanced technology available for recognition of crates and bottles in crates.